Scott Cook gets the crowd involved.

Scott Cook gets the crowd involved.
Aerial video of Clayton Bay May 2018 thanks to David Rhodes.
Thanks to the Alexandrina Council Community grant and tiles donated by Beaumont Tiles this project is well underway. Community members designed mosaic circles which have now been applied to the shelter shed walls and linked with red mosaics. Thanks also to all volunteers and to artist Annabelle Collett, for her inspiration and guidance.
Representatives from the Clayton Bay Community Association (CBCA) and the Clayton Nursery and Environment Group (CBNEG) attended the recent 2016 KESAB Sustainable Communities Awards.
Carole Richardson (above) received a Commendation for her commitment to the community and environment. Peter Smytherman (below with Simon Grenfell from the Alexandrina Council) received the award for Outstanding Community Event which recognises his organisation of the Waterways Event held in October, 2015.